Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Para Gun Blog .45 arrives...

At my FFL. Now I need to find an excuse to make the 2.5 hour trip to pick it up. Oh well, knowing it's one step closer to taking up regular residence on my hip is a small consolation. I'll post more pics when I finally get it, but that could be a bit yet.


Don said...

AHA! It appears that I shall not be the last, for I shall be leaving to pick mine up this morning!

I shall at worst be . . . how do you say? Ah, yes, the Penultimate.

Which is not as impressive as it sounds at first.

MrsXperteas said...

I hope it comes soon!

Don said...

Got mine Saturday. Didja get yours?

armed_citizen said...

NO. :( My car gets pretty decent mileage, and I've calculated that other than the time involved, I can drive up and get it for about the same cost as having it sent to a local FFL for pick-up.

I might just go up Sunday and pick it up if my FFL will be around.